I know now that nothing is certain
Pick your God and plead and pray
But search for truth and constancy in vain.

We’ve been proven fools time and again
Every belief shown to be a fiction and a play
I know now that nothing is certain.

There are laws, immutable, simple and plain
But these are flaws, just fads of their day
And you search for truth and constancy in vain.

Yesterday, a ‘study’ says coffee is good for the brain
Today’s word, bloody hell, is it makes neurons melt away
I know now, nothing in this world is certain.

And regretfully coffee goes down the drain
I willy-nilly switch to tea without delay
For you search for truth and constancy in vain.

But now see, what do I like between the twain?
It is tea, and so ends the habit of 40 years and a day
I know now that nothing is certain
You search for truth and constancy in vain.